Bullies on a school bus

I get asked why I wrote “CONSEQUENCES” and the simple answer is because of my grandson Bryce who is autistic, but has to attend a regular high school. He is bullied repeatedly. He isn’t a small boy, he can hold his own, but faced with several bullies he doesn’t have a chance. Also, and this was quite rightly pointed out to me, if he fights back and beats them down, then he becomes the bully. I don’t want him to become a bully.

This video, http://youtu.be/UsimZNUstEc shows a young boy also with special needs, being bullied. You will notice the two bullies are much bigger than the boy. The bus driver does nothing to stop it. This is very typical, nobody wants to get involved, even the adults. The bullies at least are facing court proceedings. The driver did as well and was acquitted. But the whole episode is shameful.

ImageEven worse to me were the comments made about this poor boy. He was called a pussy, a wuss, needs to learn to fight, and that he deserved to be bullied in this manner. I am totally ashamed of these people, they deserve the same treatment as they get in “CONSEQUENCES.”

About petercbradbury

I am a former Butler from Manchester, England and now living in California with my wife Debbie and dog Niner. Now writing novels part time, my main concern is making my books enjoyable and entertaining.

Posted on August 6, 2013, in Home and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. This is more than a touching story.

    Aside from me recommending this book in particular, I would furthermore recommend another book which is almost quite similar entitled Who Holds the Power.

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